NEI featured the D-Series 380V DC platform solutions within the IO.Anywhere® Data Module. This fully integrated modular data center system powered by ABB’s direct current technology provides unprecedented flexibility, reliability, and energy efficiency. The interest was high as NEI fielded questions throughout the week about 380V DC server technology from both customers and partners.
Show Highlights
Keynote -Joe Hogan spoke at length about the trend towards DC power in the Data Center and ABB’s commitment to this technology.
Show Floor - Clearly the star of the show was the IO.Anywhere® Data Module parked in the center of the show room floor. It was the largest and most impressive display with a steady flow of people including the ABB Board of Directors toured the Module.
Automation Arena - The automation arena featured the ABB Data Center initiative. The display revealed that Data Centers consume 1.5% of all electric power, driving the need for more efficient and less power consuming options. In response, Direct Current (DC) data centers are now being adopted across the industry largely due to the cost advantage in both initial investment (less equipment) and operating costs (greater efficiency).
Deploying in a Data Center? Contact NEI at (800) 977-1010 or visit us at to learn more about 380V DC based platforms and a broad range of services that ease deployment challenges and get your solutions to market better, faster and more cost effectively.