UNICOM Engineering had the unique privilege of spending an afternoon with our closest technology partners, colleagues and customers to network and give back to the community. The annual UNICOM Engineering Golf Classic was held October 7 at The Tribute Golf Course in The Colony. Due to the generosity of our sponsors, our annual networking event was able to raise awareness and over $18,000 to support a few of our favorite charities.
An afternoon of golf intended to thank our partners for their continued support and unrelenting efforts on behalf of our customers became something more. We connected on a very human level and were reminded why we were there thanks to three very charismatic and passionate speakers. By the end of the evening, representatives from the Children’s Advocacy Center of Collin County, the Will to Live Foundation and Allies in Service had everyone applauding, doing a pushup challenge, sharing a hug and walking away with the desire to give back. Here is a snapshot of what they shared:
Kate Goble from the Children’s Advocacy Center of Collin County shared a mission of hope and healing for children in need due to abuse and neglect. Their approach to safety, healing and justice brings together all of the necessary agencies in one building—minimizing the burden on the child to share their story and start again. The Children’s Advocacy Center of Collin County opened its doors in 1992 and since then has served more than 50,000 abused and neglected children.
John Trautwein, founder of the Will to Live Foundation, shared his very personal story of loss and hope. Following the tragic death of his 15 year old son to suicide, he found himself surrounded by a network of “teammates” that were part of every major up and down in life. Through this realization, he created a foundation that would work with teens to prevent teen suicide by bringing that same level of awareness of their network of teammates that already exists. Through events, sports teams, etc., they share their mission of hope, love and the will to live.
David Whitley from Allies in Service shared their mission to provide jobs, healthcare, education and appropriate housing to our veterans returning from service. He spoke of men and women that have given of their time and lives but yet often struggle to transition back into civilian life. Allies in Service provides mentorship programs and business outreach to help veterans reach their full potential and improve their quality of life. Why is hiring a veteran good business? Veterans have the training, work ethic, and skill your organization depends on—learn more.
UNICOM Engineering was proud to organize the annual Golf Classic and appreciate everyone that was able to attend and support our event.