The Benefits of Virtualization using Sandy Bridge Architecture
This revised excerpt was taken from an article that originally appeared in Virtualization Journal in November.
A Better Way to Cool Your Rack
Vertical Cooling Technology can be ideal for large scale data centers where floor cooling is efficiently utilized and exhausted into ceiling ducts.
NEI Achieves ISO 13485 Certification for Medical Device Manufacturers
NEI, a leading innovator of application platforms, lifecycle support services, and deployment solutions for OEM and third-party software technology developers, recently achieved certification to ISO 13485, a quality standard developed specifically for medical device manufacturers.
New Trends in ATCA
The need for increased bandwidth, better policy management, and the creation of services that generate profits are leading telecom carriers and network operators to invest heavily in infrastructure.
The Importance of e-Recycling
Recycling electronic components, known as e-Recycling, can reduce the carbon footprint of a business and keep thousands of tons of toxic materials out of landfills globally.
What’s the Scoop on Hadoop?
Hadoop is an open-source software library designed to handle large amounts of data across clusters of computers by utilizing relatively simple programming.
Virtualization & Elastic Provisioning in a Private Cloud - Part 4
In the final part of this four-part series, we’ll tie all of the advantages of virtualization and elastic provisioning together by looking at the system architecture and supervisory controls necessary to make it all function effectively in a private cloudenvironment.
Virtualization & Elastic Provisioning in a Private Cloud - Part 3
In Parts 1 of this article, we provided an overview of virtualization and elastic provisioning in a private cloud environment, and defined the cloud in this instance as a pool of resources set aside by a telecom provider designed and developed for a specific set of purposes.
Virtualization & Elastic Provisioning in a Private Cloud - Part 2
In Part 1 of this four-part series, we introduced the concept of virtualization and elastic provisioning in a private cloud environment and the driving forces behind the need for such systems within the telecommunications industry.
Virtualization & Elastic Provisioning in a Private Cloud - Part 1
Through the intelligent use of carrier-class virtualization and elastic provisioning, developers can now create highly scalable platforms that often eliminate unnecessary over-provisioning of resources for peak usage.
New Appliance Platform Helps Launch Bottle Rocket in Under 60 Days
Developing an appliance-based software solution can be difficult.
Breaking Through AdvancedTCA I/O Bottlenecks with Sandy Bridge Processors
The new Intel Xeon processor E5 family, based on the Sandy Bridge microarchitecture, will change how well software applications run on AdvancedTCA platforms.
Recent Price Drop Brings Parity Between SSDs and HDDs
Solid-state drives (SSDs) are the hottest trend in both personal and professional computing, primarily because of their improved reliability, reduced power consumption, and speed.
The Technology Trifecta
I love technology, but it’s sometimes difficult to keep up with our fast moving industry as the breakthroughs, as they say, just keep coming.
Top Trends in Healthcare IT
The healthcare industry has always lagged many other data intensive, people oriented industries in the adoption of information technology (IT) advancements.
NEI and the EMerge Alliance - Leading the Way to Safe DC Power
The EMerge Alliance was formed in 2008 in an effort to standardize the use of DC power in commercial building applications with the goal of improving their flexibility and sustainability.
The Impact of the 2005 Energy Policy Act on Sustainable IT Equipment
The Energy Policy Act of 2005 was enacted to reduce energy consumption by 2 percent per year in all federal installations, including computer labs and data centers, and directly impacts how sustainable IT equipment is specified and installed.
Healthcare IT - Medical Image Provider Case Study
The push for Electronic Health Record (EHR) management is forcing healthcare providers to find new, innovative ways to inexpensively and securely share patient data, and the solutions are bringing healthcare IT to the forefront.
UNICOM Engineering Improves ERP for Complex System Integration
UNICOM Engineering recently chose the Experlogix Product Configurator to streamline its ability to quote complex system integrations and accelerate the solution design process.
How Trade Compliance Affects Your Business
Companies that sell products internationally must deal with a maze of trade compliance laws and regulations that, if not correctly interpreted, can cause serious delays to on-time deliveries.