AdvancedTCA and Virtualization Using Sandy Bridge Processors
This revised excerpt was taken from an article that originally appeared in Virtualization Journal in November.
The Benefits of Virtualization using Sandy Bridge Architecture
This revised excerpt was taken from an article that originally appeared in Virtualization Journal in November.
New Trends in ATCA
The need for increased bandwidth, better policy management, and the creation of services that generate profits are leading telecom carriers and network operators to invest heavily in infrastructure.
Virtualization & Elastic Provisioning in a Private Cloud - Part 4
In the final part of this four-part series, we’ll tie all of the advantages of virtualization and elastic provisioning together by looking at the system architecture and supervisory controls necessary to make it all function effectively in a private cloudenvironment.
Virtualization & Elastic Provisioning in a Private Cloud - Part 3
In Parts 1 of this article, we provided an overview of virtualization and elastic provisioning in a private cloud environment, and defined the cloud in this instance as a pool of resources set aside by a telecom provider designed and developed for a specific set of purposes.
Virtualization & Elastic Provisioning in a Private Cloud - Part 2
In Part 1 of this four-part series, we introduced the concept of virtualization and elastic provisioning in a private cloud environment and the driving forces behind the need for such systems within the telecommunications industry.
Virtualization & Elastic Provisioning in a Private Cloud - Part 1
Through the intelligent use of carrier-class virtualization and elastic provisioning, developers can now create highly scalable platforms that often eliminate unnecessary over-provisioning of resources for peak usage.
Healthcare IT - Medical Image Provider Case Study
The push for Electronic Health Record (EHR) management is forcing healthcare providers to find new, innovative ways to inexpensively and securely share patient data, and the solutions are bringing healthcare IT to the forefront.
Storage and Security Among the Top Markets Planning to Migrate to Sandy Bridge
The results of the NEI survey are in and they reveal that nearly 40% of respondents intend to make the transition to the new Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2600 Family.
Choosing the Right Partner to Build Your Hardware Appliance
More and more Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) are using appliance platforms to deliver their software applications.
What is a Server Appliance Hardware Platform?
An appliance platform is a pre-configured server engineered to deliver application-specific software functionality using standard hardware components.
Comprehensive Server Health Monitor Solutions for Your Enterprise
Ensure your server platforms are reliable with UNICOM's server health monitor tools for diagnostics, alarming, and performance tracking.
Often Missed Considerations when Moving Apps into a Virtual Environment
Moving apps into a virtual environment is a good way to reduce their dependency on the underlying hardware, increasing functionality, and portability.
Protecting Hardware from Lightning Strikes and Power Outages
In many parts of the country–and the world–changing seasons can mean thunderstorms.
2011 Cloud User Survey - Perception Differences Between Adopters and Non-Adopters
What makes some enterprises adopt cloud computing while others, despite being well informed, decline the opportunity? IaaS providers taut lower cloud computing cost, boast easy scalability, and assure security; but these marketing messages have enticed only 10% of U.S. firms to adopt cloud deployments thus far and another 10% plan to do so within the next 2 years.
Protecting Servers Platforms from Heat
Protecting hardware from the effects of heat proves challenging at any time of year, but summer increases the likelihood of hardware failure due to thermal causes.
Moving From Virtual Machines to Cloud Deployments - The 4 Primary Elements
When transitioning your virtual appliance to the cloud, what factors should you consider as an independent software vendor (ISV) or OEM? Here are four elements essential to making the move.
Cloud Tips for Cloud Costs and Cloud Computing Problems
Cloud computing will transform the way enterprise software is developed, deployed and maintained.
Trust Cloud Computing and Stay Ahead of the Curve
Amid a steady stream of reports coming out regarding computer hacking or stolen data, it’s understandable why 70 percent of respondents to a recent IDC survey are concerned about cloud computing security problems.
Plug-and-Play Hardware Appliance Deployment Methodology
More and more software vendors are turning to plug-and-play hardware-based appliances, and for good reason.